Lesson 31: Animation - Part II

Lesson 31: Animation - Part II

31.1 Animation using a DragDrop Procedure

Drag and drop is a common windows application where you can drag and drop an object such as a file into a folder or into a recycle bin. This capability can be easily programmed in visual basic. In the following example, I am creating a simulation of dragging the objects into a recycle bin, then drop a fire and burn them away. In this program, I put 6 images on the form, one of them is a recycle bin, another is a burning recycle bin , one more is the fire, and three more images. In addition, set  the property dragmode of all the images( including the fire) that are to be dragged to  1(Automatic) so that dragging is enabled, and set the visible property of  burning recycle bin to false at start-up. Besides, label the tag of fire as fire in its properties windows. If you want to have better dragging effects, you need to load an appropriate icon under the dragIcon properties for those images to be dragged, preferably the icon should be the same as the image so that when you drag the image, it is like you are dragging the image along. The essential event procedure  in this program is as follows:
Private Sub Image4_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
Source.Visible = False
If Source.Tag = "Fire" Then
Image4.Picture = Image5.Picture
End If
End Sub
Source refer to the image to be dragged. Using the code Source.Visible=False means it will disappear after being dragged into the recycle bin(Image4).If  the source is Fire, then the recycle bin will changed into a burning recycle bin , which is accomplished by using the code  Image4.Picture = Image5.Picture, where Image 5 is the burning recycle bin.
For details of this program, please refer to my game and fun programming page or click this link, Recycle Bin.

Figure 31.1

31.2 Animation for a complete motion

So far those examples of animation shown in lesson 23 only involve movement of static images. In this lesson, you will be able to create true animation where an action finish in a complete cycle, for example, a butterfly flapping its wings. In the following example, we used eight picture frames of a butterfly which display a butterfly flapping its wings at different stages.

You can actually copy the above images and use them in your program. You need to put all the above images overlapping one another,  make image1 visible while all other images invisible at start-up. Next, insert a command button and label it as Animate. Click on the command button and key in the statements that make the images appear and disappear successively by using the properties image.visible=true and image.visible=false. I use If..... Then and Elseif to control the program flow. When you run the program, you should be able to get the following animation.

Figure 31.2 Butterfly Flappinng its Wings

Figure 31.3: The Interface

The Code

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Image1.Visible = True Then
Image1.Visible = False
 Image2.Visible = True
ElseIf Image2.Visible = True Then
Image2.Visible = False
Image3.Visible = True
ElseIf Image3.Visible = True Then
Image3.Visible = False
Image4.Visible = True
ElseIf Image4.Visible = True Then
Image4.Visible = False
Image5.Visible = True
ElseIf Image5.Visible = True Then
Image5.Visible = False
Image6.Visible = True
ElseIf Image6.Visible = True Then
Image6.Visible = False
Image7.Visible = True
ElseIf Image7.Visible = True Then
Image7.Visible = False
Image8.Visible = True
ElseIf Image8.Visible = True Then
Image8.Visible = False
Image1.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

If you wish to create the effect of the butterfly flapping its wing and flying at the same time, then you could use the Left and Top properties of an object, such as the one used in the examples of lesson 23. Below is an example of a subroutine where the butterfly will flap its wing and move up at the same time. You can also write subroutines that move the butterfly to the left, to the right and to the bottom.

Sub move_up( )
If Image1.Visible = True Then
Image1.Visible = False
Image2.Visible = True
Image2.Top = Image2.Top - 100

ElseIf Image2.Visible = True Then
Image2.Visible = False
Image3.Visible = True
Image3.Top = Image3.Top - 100

ElseIf Image3.Visible = True Then
Image3.Visible = False
Image4.Visible = True
Image4.Top = Image4.Top - 100
ElseIf Image4.Visible = True Then
Image4.Visible = False
Image5.Visible = True
Image5.Top = Image5.Top - 100
ElseIf Image5.Visible = True Then
Image5.Visible = False
Image6.Visible = True
Image6.Top = Image6.Top - 100

ElseIf Image6.Visible = True Then
Image6.Visible = False
Image7.Visible = True
Image7.Top = Image7.Top - 100

ElseIf Image7.Visible = True Then
Image7.Visible = False
Image8.Visible = True
Image8.Top = Image8.Top - 100
ElseIf Image8.Visible = True Then
Image8.Visible = False
Image1.Visible = True
Image1.Top = Image1.Top - 100
End If
End Sub
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