Lesson 27: Using SQL queries in Visual Basic 6
In the previous lesson, we have learned to use the DataGrid Control to display data from a database in Visual Basic 6 environment. However, it does not allow users to search for and select the information they want to see. In order to search for a certain information, we need to use SQL query. SQL stands for Structures Query Language. Using SQL keywords, we are able to select specific information to be displayed based on certain criteria.
The most basic SQL keyword is SELECT, it is used together with the keyword FROM to select information from one or more tables from a database. The syntax is:
SELECT fieldname1,fieldname2,.....,fieldnameN FROM TableName
fieldname1, fieldname2,......fieldnameN are
headings of the columns from a table of a database. You can select any number of
fieldname in the query. If you wish to select all the information, you can use
the following syntax:
In order to illustrate the usage of SQL queries,
lets create a new database in Microsoft Access with the following fieldsID,
Title, Author, Year, ISBN, Publisher, Price and save the table as book
and the database as books.mdb in a designated folder.
Next, we will start Visual Basic and insert an
ADO control, a DataGrid and three command buttons. Name the three command buttons
as cmdAuthor, cmdTitle and cmdAll. Change their captions to
Display Author ,Display Book Title and Display All
respectively. You can also change the caption of the form to My Books. The design
interface is shown below:
Figure 27.1: The Design Interface
Now you need to connect the database to the ADO
data control. Please refer to lesson 25 for the details. However, you need to
make one change. At the ADODC property pages dialog box, click on the
Recordsource tab and select 1-adCmdText under command type and
under Command Text(SQL) key in SELECT * FROM book.
Figure 27.2: ADODC Property Pages
The Code
Now, click on the command button cmdAuthor and key in the following statements:For the command button cmdTitle, key inPrivate Sub cmdAuthor_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT Author FROM book"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
Finally for the command button cmdAll, key inPrivate Sub cmdTitle_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT Title FROM book"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAll_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM book"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
Now, run the program and when you click on the
Display Author button, only the names of authors will be displayed, as shown
in Figure 27.3 below:
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