Adding behavior to a Java class

Person is looking good so far, but it can use some additional behavior to make it more interesting. Creating behavior means adding methods. This section looks more closely at accessor methods— namely, the getters and setters you've already seen in action.

Accessor methods

To encapsulate a class's data from other objects, you declare its variables to be private and then provide accessor methods. As you have seen, a getter is an accessor method for retrieving the value of an attribute; a setter is an accessor method for modifying that value. The naming of accessors follows a strict convention known as the JavaBeans pattern, whereby any attribute Foo has a getter called getFoo() and a setter called setFoo().
The JavaBeans pattern is so common that support for it is built into the Eclipse IDE. You've even already seen it in action — when you generated getters and setters for Person in the preceding section.
Accessors follow these guidelines:
  • The attribute itself is always declared with private access.
  • The access specifier for getters and setters is public.
  • Getters don't take any parameters and return a value whose type is the same as the attribute it accesses.
  • Settings only take one parameter, of the type of the attribute, and do not return a value.

Declaring accessors

By far the easiest way to declare accessors is to let Eclipse do it for you, as shown in Figure 6. But you should also know how to hand-code a getter-and-setter pair. Suppose you have an attribute, Foo, whose type is java.lang.String. A complete declaration for it (following the accessor guidelines) would be:
private String foo;
public String getFoo() {
  return foo;
public void setFoo(String value) {
  foo = value;
You might notice right away that the parameter value passed to the setter is named differently than if it had been generated by Eclipse. The naming follows my own convention, which I recommend to other developers. On the rare occasion that I do hand-code a setter, I always use the name value as the parameter value to the setter. This eye-catcher reminds me that I've hand-coded the setter. Because I usually allow Eclipse to generate getters and setters for me, when I don't, there's a good reason. Using value as the setter's parameter value reminds me that this setter is special. (Code comments also do that.)

Calling methods

Invoking, or calling, methods is easy. You saw in Listing 6 how to invoke the various getters of Person to return their values. Now, I formalize the mechanics of making method calls.

Method invocation with and without parameters

To invoke a method on an object, you need a reference to that object. Method-invocation syntax comprises the object reference, a literal dot, the method name, and any parameters that need to be passed:
Here is a method invocation without parameters:
Person p = /*obtain somehow */;
And here's a method invocation with parameters (accessing the Name attribute of Person):
Person p = new Person("Joe Q Author", 42, 173, 82, "Brown", "MALE");
Remember that constructors are methods, too. And you can separate the parameters with spaces and newlines. The Java compiler doesn't care. These next two method invocations are identical:
new Person("Joe Q Author", 42, 173, 82, "Brown", "MALE");
new Person("Joe Q Author",// Name
  42,     // Age
  173,    // Height in cm
  82,     // Weight in kg
  "Brown",// Eye Color
  "MALE");// Gender
Notice how the comments in the second constructor invocation leave behind readability for the next developer. At a glance that person can tell what each parameter is for.

Nested method invocation

Method invocations can also be nested:
Logger l = Logger.getLogger(Person.class.getName());"Name: " + p.getName());
Here you are passing the return value of Person.class.getName() to the getLogger() method. Remember that the getLogger() method call is a static method call, so its syntax differs slightly. (You don't need a Logger reference to make the invocation; instead, you use the name of the class as the left side of the invocation.)
That's really all there is to method invocation.
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